We know that finding a church to call home is a tough decision. At Fenton Nazarene, we want to help you navigate the on ramp to becoming a “bridge builder”!

***Our service is also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube. ***

worship service @ 10:45 am

We believe that worshiping as a family is a holy & transformational experience, and so we have our K-5th grade students join us for the first part of service before they head to Children’s Church.

Pre-K class is available during the 10:45 am worship service. Children (3-5 years old) can be dropped off at the start of service.

If your child wishes to remain in service, busy bags are available in the foyer for use during service.



We are located at the corner of Runyan Lake Rd and White Lake Rd, just east of US-23.


What Should I Wear?

We’re like family here at Fenton Nazarene, so you don’t need to dress up (unless you would like to). Casual attire is the normal.